Showing posts with label 2.99. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2.99. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Game Covers - Kikstart 2 (Commodore 64)

Now this was a blinder of a game, and a real bargain for £2.99.  I would've been happy to pay full price for this.  24 courses of motorcross/trials fun, based on the BBC television series Kick Start, but what made this stand out from the previous Kikstart game (besides the better graphics) was the inclusion of a powerful, and very easy to use course editor.  I spent countless hours designing my own fiendish tracks and saving them to tape.

An amazing game, made by the same team that would like go on to make the Lotus series on the Commodore Amiga.

Ride your bike over the 24 all action courses in this new improved version of Kikstart.  Devise your own mindbendingly tortuous test with the course designer or make things really easy - the choice is yours!


Kikstart 2 - The Cover

Kikstart 2 - The Inlay

Kikstart 2 - The Tape

3D View (hold and move to rotate)
New Tab (Full Screen)