Friday, January 08, 2021

Kayleigh's Retro Isolation 2 - Day 3

Gauntlet on the Playstation 2/Arcade.

It was OK. I like 2 player games where I can play with my Dad! 6 / 10

#PS2 #playstation #gauntlet #retro #retrogaming #isolation #midwayclassics

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Techie Post - Deleting emails from multiple mailboxes in Office 365

Occasionally I'm asked at work to delete an email that has been accidentally sent out to the wrong people.  It doesn't happen very often, but inevitably when it does happen, I forget the process, so I am including it here for personal reference.

Create a content search rule within the Microsoft 365 Compliance area -  (take note of the name you call it - you'll need it in the New-ComplianceSearchAction command.

Run Powershell as administrator and enter the following commands...

set-executionpolicy remotesigned
(only use this if you get an error about not being able to run scripts via Powershell)

$UserCredential = Get-Credential

$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection

Import-PSSession $Session

New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName "Rule Name used in content search" -Purge -PurgeType SoftDelete

If you would like to see the progress of the search, use the following command.


Kayleigh's Retro Isolation 2 - Day 2

Last Ninja 2 on the Commodore 64

Really fun. It took me a lot of attempts to jump on to the boat and across the river, but I did it quicker than when my Dad originally did it 8½ / 10
#retro #retrogaming #lastninja2 #commodore64 #c64 #isolation

Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Kayleigh's Retro Isolation 2 - Day 1

180 on the Commodore 64

Really fun.  I didn't want to stop playing it. I even got 180, but it made me go bust!  8/10

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year 2021

And so ends another year, and what a year it has been.

2020 has been dominated by the Coronavirus pandemic, culminating in my wife tragically losing her Mum and Granddad in November, I wonder what 2021 will bring.  My time on Worcestershire County Council's payroll has come to an end after nearly 17 years as the school joins a MAT and becomes an academy.  To say I am anxious about the whole thing is an understatement, but I'll just have to see how it pans out.  I've been assured that my role will not change, but since I am such a pessimist I can only think the worst.  Watch this space.

Gaming wise though, 2020 hasn't been too bad at all.  During the first lockdown between March and July, I was able to introduce my daughter Kayleigh to the wonders of retro gaming with our "Kayleigh's Retro Isolation" series - an opportunity to allow Kayleigh to play a different game every day until the lockdown ended when she had to go back to school.  It lasted 70 days, and the results can be viewed here on this blog.

Notable game purchases this year include (in no particular order)

The Last of Us Part II (PS4)
Daymare 1998 (PS4)
Resident Evil 3 Remake (PS4)
Doom Eternal (PS4)
Mafia Trilogy (PS4)
The Dark Pictures Anthology - Little Hope (PS4)
Call of Duty Cold War (PS5)
Train Sim World 2 (PS4) - A special Christmas present from my son Kieran!
Watchdogs Legion (PS5)

Of course, the big gaming event was the release of the PS5, and despite there being a lack of them available worldwide, I was lucky enough to get a pre-order in on time and receive one on release day.  I would like to say it's been nice having one, but my son has had it in his room most of the time due to I having a lack of any PS5 specific games for it.  I'm sure 2021 will see some stunners come out and I can bring it back downstairs again!  Resident Evil 8 Village in particular.

Not much else has happened in our little world.  A car hit my car in September which resulted in my beloved Zoe Zafira being written off.  All I got from the insurers was a measly £800 which doesn't even come close to the cost I had to pay out for a new car.  With that said, I'm now the proud owner of a lovely 2017 Zafira Tourer (Zara) and although I am now in debt and having to pay that off for a few years, it is actually really nice to have a new car.  

The Star Trek Starships model collection has of course expanded even more over the past 12 months.  The main collection has now ended, although they're still released the odd special model every now and then.  Just as well really because I am beginning to run out of space!

So here comes 2021. My 44th year on Earth, and my son Kieran's last year at secondary school.  Can't believe he is doing his GCSEs and will be finished in a few months' time.  We've still got the Coronavirus pandemic going on, but I'm confident we'll have things back to normal again in a few months.

Here's hoping for a better 2021

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Game Covers - Space Sweep & Invaders (Commodore 16 and Plus 4)

Navigate your Space Sweep through the planets looking for and destroying enemy spy satellites.  But don't lose the mother ship otherwise you face a cold lonely death in space when you run out of fuel.

3D View (hold and move to rotate)