Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rock on Tommy!

Well, the summer holidays have started and I am now off work for 6 weeks. Already after just one day of sitting on my arse I have accomplished something I never thought I'd ever do - It has only taken me 22 years, but I have finally completed the Commodore Plus 4 version of Tom Thumb WITHOUT losing one life!!!! (and without cheating!)

180000, all 26 keys and with 13 lives left is the highest score I have ever had! I missed a few of the treasures so I am sure I could get a slightly higher score, but I'm happy with it! For those who have never played it before, it can be a rather frustrating game and it is very easy to get far in it, only to be killed and to return to a checkpoint much earlier in the game.

For a game that cost a couple of quid back in 1986, I think I got my moneys worth!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

All Aboard (Part 4)

Work has resumed on Kierans trainset, and I must say it is beginning to look really good now. Michelle has been a star and has done the papier-mache over the second tunnel/hill and has covered it with grass.

We have also started to add foliage ontop of the hills and around the tunnel portals, and this has really added a touch of realism to the project.

The next job is to lay the road, and to add the pavement and foundations for the individual buildings along what will be the main stree(which have already been built and waiting in storage).

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday C.B.

Can you believe it? Two years (and 195 posts later), Captains Blog has reached its 2nd birthday.

I just wish I had something interesting and funny to post!

Come on life.... throw something exciting my way.

Oh well, only another 3 and a bit weeks to go before the school summer holiday (and 6 lovely weeks off from work!)

Monday, June 09, 2008

Back to school

And so the next 18 months of my life begin...

Today I recieved in the post all of the learning materials for the course that I have started - The Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) course...

It has now begun!!!

Just a little bit of bed-time reading. The pictures don't do them justice - they're BIG!!

Hopefully I won't find the course too taxing. As a Network Manager, I can already maintain and administer a Windows Server and network, but as most of you know, having a professional qualification always looks better on a CV. Still, I am sure I will learn quite a few new things from doing it, (and of course at the end of it I get to put MCSA after my name!!)

Right, I'd better start revising!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

3D Shennanegans

I've been messing around in 3D again, and have come up with the above image in less than an hour!! - It's not yet finished, but I liked it so much I thought I would post it in it's current state.

It did start off as being my version of the Tyrell office as seen in the movie Blade Runner, so I may change it considerably yet!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Dynamite Dan

Whoa.... Sorry for the long delay inbetween posts. I have no excuse - I simply have not had anything interesting to write about.

Well, while it's half-term, I've got a week off work so I've been busy doing a little more work on the trainset, and I have also got back into programming and game creating and started making a game which I am currently calling "Dynamite Dan and the Demon-Possessed Factory From Hell".

The game is based on the classic cheap £1.99 games that you could buy during the 1980's and features wonderful quasi 3D graphics, 16x16 pixel tiled graphics and wonderfully authentic 8-bit sound effects. Although the graphics, sound and game design is by me, the game is based on three classic 8-bit platform games - Dynamite Dan (by Rob Bowkett for Mirrorsoft), Big Mac - The Mad Maintenance Man (Tony Kelly for Mastertronic) and Manic Miner (By Matthew Smith for Software Projects).

The game 'engine' is complete and I am now in the process of designing the levels. I actually find this part the hardest thing to do when developing a game, but fortunatly I have Michelle as a game tester so she can tell me if the level is too easy or too hard.

I am hoping to post a demo online soon for you all to try out.

Hopefully you will not have to wait too long for my next post.