Sunday, September 24, 2006

Feeling low :o(

I've been feeling a little low lately..... Not depressed or anything like that.. just a little sad.

You know, working in a school I sometimes forget how old I am getting. Although I still have nearly four months to go before I reach 30, all my friends who I went to school with have either turned 30 already, or will be reaching that age in a few months time. Most of the new Year 9 pupils at Evesham High School where I work (those who have just moved up from Middle School to High School) were born in 1993 - the year I left school!!! It doesn't seem that long ago when I finished my last exam on Friday 25th June 1993, and walked out of the school gates for the last time, and here I am now, helping kids who were born just as I had finished education!

Its not that I feel I'm getting old which is worrying me... What scares me the most is how fast time is flying past.

I left school 13 years ago. It's hard to believe that I have been with Michelle for nearly 5 years now, Kieran is 20 months old in 2 weeks time. Where is the time going? So much has happened in my life in the past 13 years since leaving school and it feels like my life is rushing by at an incredible rate.

Working in a school reminds me of all the good times I had with my friends back when I was a student, and I think how lucky I am that most of us still stay in touch (even though I no longer live near them) and then I think about the really good friends I had who for one reason or another have no interest in staying in touch.

What am I going on about? I have no idea. I'm not sure if I am making any sense writing this post, but I just wanted to write what is going through my mind at this very moment, and I guess thats the whole point of having a blog.

Lately I've been feeling a little homesick too!!! Homesick???? 5 years after moving from home???

Do you know what cheers me up when I start talking and thinking like this??..... A bit of nostalgic retro gaming on my Commodore 64 to help cheer me up and remind me of the good ol' days, so I think thats what I am going to go and do now.

Until the next post..... au revoir


  1. Time is indeed flying - OK, yes, I am 30 now (Raaar!) but I mentioned before, I don't feel like I should be a grown up yet. I know people our age that come across as adults, and while I'm not saying we're immature, I just don't see us as adults.

    As for those that chose to not stay in touch, well at the end of the day, it's their loss. I can think of a few people who I think "Damn, I wonder what they are up to" but realise if they were interested and the table was turned, they'd put out the feelers. Their loss :)

    As for being homesick, I can fully appreciate that feeling - me and Jo were in the flat for over a year and I missed home - half an hour down the road. I suppose you miss the things you're used to.

    Wait till Kieran starts school - THEN you'll see time fly!

  2. Cheers Dan.... Good to know you understand!!
