I'm not a great fan of modern British films - they tend to be crap, unfunny comedies with knobs like Hugh Grant starring in them.... 2002 saw the release of the fantastic 28 Days Later, a movie about a virus outbreak in the UK that causes its victims to turn into a permanent state of 'rage', killing/infecting everyone (very zombieish) totally decimating the population and generally putting the country in the catagory of 'worst place you would like to spend your holiday'.
When I heard about a sequel several months ago, I got all excited. Well, tonight I have just seen '28 Weeks Later' and boy what a film!!!!
I'm not quite sure whether it's better than the original or not, but that doesn't mean it wasn't any good - far from it. One of the best horror movies I've seen in a long time, and it has helped restore my faith in the British film industry.
I'm not going to reveal too much of what happens - this post is more of a recommendation, but some of the highlights have to be
Napalming London, The helicopter 'chopping' scene, and of course the fantastic ending, certainly an indication that there might be a '28 Months Later' or something along those lines in the near future.
Go and see it!
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