Sunday, February 17, 2008

Social me!

You know, a year ago I wouldn't have thought twice about joining these 'social networking' sites, but I have to admit that in the six or so months that I have been a member of Facebook, I have found it fun (and interesting), so I've decided to sign up to another site - This time - Bebo

It's funny actually because I spend so much time at the school trying to make sure the kids don't access this site (via proxies etc.) from the school network, and now here I am - a member myself!

So, if you're a Bebo member, look me up and feel free to invite me as a friend!!

I can be found at

1 comment:

  1. Congrats - you're not officially the oldest Bebo user I know... Everyone else I know that uses it is still in school ;)

    You old b'stard!
