Saturday, June 16, 2012

Games that remind me of my childhood Number 6 : A Labyrinth Game (Philips G7000)

I'm not going to spend too long writing about this game.  Not because it isn't very good - far from it, but to be honest, the game itself is probably one of the most simpliest games ever written and it would be very difficult to write much about it.

When I was very young and before we even had a Commodore Plus 4, my parents bought a Philips G7000 console (probably around 1982-83).  It was our first computer.  Graphically, I suppose the games were on par with the Atari 2600.  We had quite a few cartridges for it, but I had my favourite....  A Labyrinth Game (Videopac 32 to be precise).

The game was simple - you control a square which you could move about using the joystick.  The aim was to get from the start of the maze to the exit.  Told you it was simple!

The game had several playing modes, including a fun two player game which had both players trying to complete 10 mazes in the fastest time.

There wasn't a large number of mazes in the game, and they weren't very big either due to the low resolution of the consoles graphics. There was however an additonal playing mode which generated a random maze with continuously changing walls.  It wasn't very difficult, but it was very frustrating, especially in two player mode.

I played this all of the time during my very early childhood years, and still do when I have a few minutes to waste!  Hard to believe this was state of the art 30 years ago! 

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