Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Now That's What I Call Stuart's Favourite Music 30 - Madness (Cardiac Arrest)

For the 30th in my list of favourite songs, I've gone with Madness and Cardiac Arrest.  In all fairness, I could have gone with any of their major hits from the early 1980s as I've always enjoyed listening to my Dads "Complete Madness" album going back to when I was little.

Now, why have I gone with this particular track?  Simple really....

a)  I absolutely love it
b)  This song could very well be the soundtrack to my life!

From what I can work out, the song is about a family man (average husband, with wife and kids - sounds familiar) who lets his work take over his life and who has become a workaholic (yep... definitely sounds familiar).  He is shown becoming rather agitated and stressed over simple things like the bus running late, and getting to work for an important meeting.  Ultimately it ends with him suffering a heart attack on the way to work.  I can honestly say it's a carbon copy of my life at the moment, just without the heart attack... yet!

Sound advice really - Don't let work take over your life and ruin your family time.  Perhaps I should heed the advice given by Suggs and the rest of the gang and change the way I look at work.

Easier said than done. 

The song was released on the 12th February 1982 and remained in the charts for 10 weeks, peaking at number 14.

Anyway, enjoy this 40 year old classic!

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