Saturday, July 20, 2024

Game Covers - Skiing (Philips G7000)

This Videopac offers three competitive skiing events: Slalom, Giant Slalom and a Down Hill Race. The names of these events appear at the bottom of the screen, one after the other. Make your choice by pulling the joystick of your handset (either one will do) when the name of the chosen event shows on the screen.


You follow a twisting course, marked out by posts. The route is indicated in the following way; you pass between two identical coloured posts when they are in a horizontal line, moving down towards the bottom of the screen. When the posts are in a single vertical line you pass between them from side to side, continuing down towards the finishing line. The computer keeps track of the time for both skiers. The time is recorded when the skier passes the finishing line.

When you make an error by missing one of the posts, your time-keeping will stop. Instead there will be a record of the number of errors you have made.

In the bottom centre of the screen you see some question marks. This is where the computer will register the best time made by a competitor (without making any errors of course) during a series of events.

You steer your skier with the joystick of your handset. He will only start when you pull the joystick towards you. You may also stop during the race. This can be done by pushing the joystick away from you.  It does mean that you are losing valuable time however!

When you press the action button, he will accelerate so there is the possibility to make up for lost time. 

Giant Slalom

This game follows the same rules as the Slalom, but the course is longer, and the posts are farther apart.

Down Hill

Again the same basic rules apply. The number of obstacles is the same (55) but the arrangement is different to allow a faster descent. 

Competition starts

Once you have made your choice, the computer will confirm that choice with a sound signal.  A second sound signal tells you that the count-down has started. Both skiers automatically assume their starting position. When the count-down is completed, you will hear a starting shot and the race begins. Do remember, that your skier will only start when you pull the joystick towards you.

When the race is over, it is followed automatically by a second one.  This will actually continue until you press the RESET button.

Alpine Events

You may also organise a complete Alpine event by competing in a combination of several events, each over one or more races.

3D View (hold and move to rotate)
New Tab (Full Screen)