Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Kayleigh's Retro Isolation - Day 2

My daughter enjoys playing computer games, especially those on the PS3 and PS4.  So, during the UK Covid-19 virus lockdown, I plan to introduce Kayleigh to a different retro game every day so she can experience the type of games I was playing when I was her age.

Day 2 - The Trap Door for the Commodore 64

"I liked it but there was a bug so I couldn't push the cauldron away from the wall.. 7/10" - Kayleigh.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Kayleigh's Retro Isolation - Day 1

My daughter enjoys playing computer games, especially those on the PS3 and PS4.  So, during the UK Covid-19 virus lockdown, I plan to introduce Kayleigh to a different retro game every day so she can experience the type of games I was playing when I was her age.

Day 1 - Action Biker for the Commodore 64

"Controls were hard, but I still did OK. 6/10" - Kayleigh

Monday, March 23, 2020

Kayleigh's Retro Isolation - Day 0

My daughter enjoys playing computer games, especially those on the PS3 and PS4.  So, during the UK Covid-19 virus lockdown, I plan to introduce Kayleigh to a different retro game every day so she can experience the type of games I was playing when I was her age.

Day 0 - Mercenary Escape From Targ for the Commodore 64

Sunday, March 01, 2020

And the new Staff School Governor at TDMS is..........

I've only gone and been elected as Staff School Governor at The De Montfort School. Thank you to my TDMS colleagues who voted for me. I will do the very best I can in my new role. Exciting times ahead.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Trekkie Dad and Captain Sophie Episode 19 - Klingon D4 and USS Hiawatha

Unboxing the Klingon D4 bonus issue from the Star Trek Starships Collection, and the USS Hiawatha from the Star Trek Discovery Starships Collection, both from Eaglemoss.

Trekkie Dad and Captain Sophie Episode 18 - Saru, Tamarian Cruiser, Axanar Ship, Gold Enterprise

Unboxing the Commander Saru bust from the Star Trek Busts Collection, the Axanar Cargo Ship, Tamarian Deep Space Cruiser, and the gold USS Enterprise models from Star Trek Starships Collection by Eaglemoss