Monday, June 01, 2020

Kayleigh's Retro Isolation - The End?

It's a sad day today.  Kayleigh returns back to school tomorrow, albeit part-time, thus ending a long isolation which started on Tuesday 24th of March and ended on Monday 1st June 2020.

Yes, the country is still on a semi-lockdown, but I always said Kayleigh's Retro Isolation would last for as long as she is off school.

It's been fun, both for me and Kayleigh, and she enjoyed playing lots of games dating back to before she was born and when I was her age (ok, with the exception of Bionic Granny - she really didn't like that one!)

I make no apologies for clogging up your feeds with pictures of Kayleigh playing retro computer games, and although we will no longer be posting a new picture every day, Kayleigh will be back with some more retro gaming shenanigans in the near future.

She's experienced the evolution of gaming, and although we didn't get to a lot of games which I would have liked to show her, especially some on the Philips G7000, we got a good selection done.  It's crazy to think we've only touched a handful of games.  There's plenty more to see!

So, out of the 70 (71 if you include Day 0) games she played, the lowest scored game was.....  Bionic Granny with a pitiful 2

Her favourite was..... (Drum roll)..........  Return to Castle Wolfenstein with an impressive score of 9.5

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