Sunday, November 26, 2023

Game Covers - Biggles (Commodore 64)


Biggles is a two-game program following the adventures of the famous World War I hero created by W E Johns.  But there's a difference - our hero now has a time twin living in the 1980's, and there's a mysterious link between their lives.

The first game, TIMEWARP, is in three parts.  You (Biggles) mist locate the deadly new German weapon and photograph it, find its test site, then escape from the police in modern-day London with the secret code.

The second game, THE SOUND WEAPON, finds you at the controls of a police helicopter - on the Western Front in 1917!  You must make strategic use of your friends and equipment to make the final assault on the weapon.

With Biggles, you CAN be a hero!

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