Sunday, June 23, 2024

Game Covers - Take the Money and Run (Philips G7000)

You and your opponent are trapped in a maze populated by robots which represent the economic factors of life. You are given start money of $ 500,000, and have to turn it into a million by chasing income, rewards and investments and escaping from thieves, taxes, inflation and expenses.

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Saturday, June 01, 2024

Now That's What I Call Stuart's Favourite Music 86 - Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride

There was a time when hearing this song was an extremely rare occurrence.  Now, it seems you can hear it everywhere, especially during television adverts.  

Break My Stride is probably Matthew Wilder's most famous track and was released as the lead single from his debut album "I Don't Speak the Language" on the 14th January 1984 (oooh, I was 7 years and 2 days old), entering the UK charts at 79.  It managed to peak at number 4 four weeks later.

Useless fact - Back in the late 90s, it seemed the only way to listen to this song was to find a dodgy MP3 on Napster, or whatever other dodgy website that was available at the time.  I remember feeling really chuffed with myself when I found a decent copy of it.  Mind you, it took me several hours to download it on my slow dial-up connection.  Essex FM used to broadcast a weekly 80s show every Sunday and one week I emailed them asking if they could play it. Not expecting they would, I was pleasantly surprised when a few weeks later they actually did play it.  It was probably the first time I had heard it played on the radio since the 80s.

Now, it's everywhere,  and can currently be heard during an advertisement for Screwfix of all things!

Anyway, I love it, so here it is on my list.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Game Covers - Golf (Philips G7000)

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Game Covers - Tenpin Bowling and Basketball (Philips G7000)

Tenpin Bowling

Key 1 selects league night. Key 2 selects faster tournament play. Try to knock down all the pins (it's not just a matter of hitting them head-on). A strike (no pins standing after first bowl) scores 30. A spare (no pins standing after second bowl) scores 15. Otherwise, you score the number of pins knocked down per FRAME (each FRAME consists of 2 bowls unless you get a strike). Scores appear after each frame. The player with the most points after 10 frames wins.


Gain possession of the ball and shoot into your opponent's basket, but you'll have to escape his close marking first. Each score gains 2 points. If you hold the ball for too long, or shoot when your opponent is touching the ball, you give away possession. When the 5 minutes are up (time = 00:00), the player with most points wins.

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Thursday, May 09, 2024

Game Covers - Space Monster (Philips G7000)

You are confronted with a very serious threat. A merciless space monster, aided by eight robots with rocket launchers, is attacking your planet. You only have one robot at your disposal and four mobile rocket launchers. Three of your rocket launchers are stored safely in rocket-proof bunkers. 

It's up to you now to defend your planet by destroying the enemy robots and the invading space monster. What makes it more difficult is, the enemy robots operating from behind rocket-proof protective shields. They shift back and forth however to take pop shots at your robot and his rocket launcher. That's when you have to try and be quick enough to hit them. Be careful though, somehow they seem to know exactly where you are. You are safe only as long as you hide behind one of your bunkers. 

The monster itself, even though he tries to keep out of reach behind his robot lines, is adding his share. If you hit and destroy him, don't be overjoyous. Another one will appear within a few seconds and the battle continues. 

If your rocket launcher is hit by an enemy rocket, your robot will survive but is unprotected. It's up to you now to move him to one of your bunkers as quickly as possible. When you press the action button you have another rocket launcher again but the bunker and its protection have disappeared. 

When you have succeeded in destroying all invading robots, the monster itself will descend in a final, desperate attempt to destroy your rocket launcher and robot. 

If you have lost your fourth and last rocket launcher and have no means left to defend your robot, the space monster will come down too and take your robot. 

You score when you succeed in destroying all enemy robots plus the monster. If you lose, the monster scores a point. 

The war is over when either party has won ten battles.

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