Sunday, September 04, 2022

Game Covers - Super Stuntman (Commodore 64)

Amazing playability!

A brilliant stuntman simulation.

Featuring fantastic desert car chases - Power speed boat racing - frantic forest rallying and turbo boost Grand Canyon jumping!!!

These are just a few of the amazing stunts included!

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Game Covers - 3D Construction Kit (Commodore 64)

This box contains one excellent reason for you to own a home computer.

It holds a piece of software that has been developed by the award-winning INCENTIVE team, who for the last four years have produced hit after hit with their amazing FREESCAPE 3D graphics systems.

Now that unique system is available for you to "play around with".  It's been designed for easy use - mouse/icon driven controls that require no programming skills at all.

You can design a car, house, aeroplane (or whatever you want!) and then walk around it.  See what it looks like from any angle.  Change it.  Add colour, detail, animation.  The possibilities are endless.

And it's ideal for creating games.  If you're not artistic, don't worry - there are lots of objects already included in the kid for you to use in your plans, but it's simple to create your own if you want.

So, if you enjoy playing games, but want to use your computer's real capabilities for a change, this is a perfect opportunity.

VIRTUAL REALITY - you've heard about it, read about it, and now it's here at your fingertips.

A PDF copy of the instruction manual can be downloaded here via the Unofficial 3D Construction Kit website at

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Friday, August 26, 2022

Hammer Down - Map for the Commodore 64

I recently purchased a copy of a fantastic little game on the Commodore 64 called Hammer Down as part of a Kickstarter called "The Commodore 64 Collectors Guide to Mastertronic" which I backed.  It is in fact the first proper 'brand new' Commodore 64 game that I have purchased in 30 years.

The book of course is a brilliant read, and a must for anyone who grew up with Mastertronic games in the 1980s, but over the past week or so I've been addicted to the game Hammer Down.  The best way to describe it is a top-down version of the classic Mastertronic game Action Biker.  In fact, I believe the author of the game (the late Jason Kelk) was trying to mix the gameplay of Action Biker, with the top-down-view graphic style of The Last V8.

Anyway, the game is wonderful and I can't praise it enough, with great graphics and an awesome SID rendition of "The Return of the Las Palmas 7" by Madness playing in the background.

Anyway, through a lot of playing I managed to beat the game and locate all the items and bonuses and I have included the map here.  Hopefully, other people will find it useful, especially if they're having trouble locating an item.

Items are identified as stars, and the bonuses are indicated by numbers in blue circles.  The map loops around, and you should be able to see where one end of the maps leads to the other end.

The game can be obtained from Psytronik's website here

The book (and many others) can be purchased from Fusion Retro Book's website here.

Game Covers - Computer Hits 3 (Commodore 64)

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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Now That's What I Call Stuart's Favourite Music 66 - Sky (A Girl in Winter)

My choice of a song today is probably a more obscure track from progressive-classical rock band Sky.  "A Girl In Winter" is one of my favourite tracks, and was featured on their sixth studio album called Cadmium which was released way back in December 1983.

My Mum and Dad had an album or two of theirs and I quite liked their music growing up, but this one always stands out for me, especially the end bit (around the 2:17 mark in the video below).

Worth a listen if you've never heard it before and like instrumentals.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Game Covers - Street Surfer (Commodore 64)

Race the streets to the greatest West Coast soundtrack ever to pass your Commodores sound chip!  Avoid the bad guys, get the drinks when you can and watch out for oil slicks and chickens!

Great graphics, mind-blasting music, and fun, fun, fun!

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