I love castles... Wandering through ruins and taking in the history. Well, today I've been revisiting one of my favourite castles from my childhood. It was a place I loved to visit after a long day at school... No tourists.... No entry fee.... And no pushy English Heritage representative trying to get you to sign up for a subscription. Just spirits to destroy, and a twin sister to rescue. Welcome to Castle Eternity, a virtual castle stored within 64kb of RAM as seen in the classic Commodore 64 computer game, Castle Master.
Now, I'm not going to talk about this game here - I've already done that in a
previous post which you can view if you click here. Instead, sit back and enjoy me playing through this wonderful game.
Since it's the first time in awhile since I last played Castle Master, it took me a respectable 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete. However, due to the slowness of Freescape on the Commodore 64 I have sped it up to a much faster frame rate. Also, I completely forgot where the key to the Spirits Abode room was, hence why it took me a little longer than planned. I remembered in the end though!
Still a great game. I think I'm going to replay Castle Master 2 - The Crypt next.